Environmental Policy
Scotts of Thrapston Ltd recognises the importance of environmental protection and is committed to operating its business responsibly and in compliance with all the legal requirements within the UK and subsequent European Directives.
At Scotts our objective is to carry out all reasonably practicable measures to meet, exceed or develop all necessary or desirable requirements and to continually improve environmental performance through the implementation of the following:
Assessing the Environmental Effects of our Activities
We are committed to meeting fundamental challenges such as reducing energy consumption and limiting the impact on the environment. We will periodically evaluate our compliance with legal and environmental requirements via the use of environmental data and internal audits from sourcing raw materials through to transportation used to deliver our products.
Training of Employees
All of our employees are given a manual outlining our environmental guidelines. This manual aims to inform employees of the ways in which we can minimise our impact on the environment, such as reducing use of resources, minimising waste, recycling and using environmentally sound sources.
Minimising Wastage
We work closely with our waste management contractors to ensure we store and dispose of our waste in accordance with UK waste management legislation. We ensure, where possible, all waste is recycled throughout the business.
Minimising Energy Waste
Wherever we can, we adopt eco-friendly practices throughout various areas of our business, ensuring our energy waste is as limited as possible.
Reducing Pollutants to Water, Land and Air
The emission of dust and particulates to the atmosphere could cause nuisance to residents and businesses in the surrounding area. Scotts of Thrapston evaluates its compliance with legal and environmental requirements periodically.
Controlling Noise Emissions
We test our machinery periodically to ensure compliance with the Noise Emissions Regulations. This ensures that we minimise the risk to the general public and employees from the operations and activities undertaken by Scotts of Thrapston Ltd.
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