It’s been a tough year, not only the regular pressure of keeping horses over the winter but battling the extra strain of COVID and all that brings.
We may find our mental health is deteriorating, so what small steps can we take to make life better for us and those around us?
When we saw that it’s National Compliment Day on January 24th, we thought what an easy, kind and free thing to do in this tough time!
National Compliment Day
So many people are working hard in the equestrian community to improve mental health. The governing bodies have been stringently reviewed over allegations of bullying, elitism and corruption. The anti-bullying campaigns such as ‘NOT ON MY YARD’ and the recent article this November in Horse & Hound during anti-bullying week.
As an industry we can’t stop completely during lockdown, horses still need to be cared for, but we must not forget the people too.
We are lucky to have this excuse to get out of the house and care for our animals, and hopefully that will help our mental health and get through this period.
But only if we can follow the ‘Be Kind’ movement.
Even if we are subjected to other people’s behaviour, which we are unable to change, we need to know the only way to make change is through ourselves.
By deciding to give a compliment, it’s a great first step to make a shift in your workplace, livery yard or home.
So with it being National Compliment Day, we felt inspired to share this out to our community – we all love a compliment – whether you’re a business or an individual.
So why not make a new year’s resolution, to give more compliments?
If you need more reasons check out the points below:
- They can build confidence – Those who give out compliments will also get a warm fuzzy feeling seeing the reaction you get, it will brighten the day of the recipient and give them a confidence boost.
- Compliments work – Studies show that rewarding a person with either compliments or money activate the same area of the brain. Make sure to notice the positives and not just the negatives.
So challenge friends, family and colleagues. See if you can get friends and family to compliment at least one person. Spreading good cheer around your yard will be contagious.