Maintenance tips for timber stables and barns

Your stable yard represents a significant investment and one that you will expect to enjoy for many years once it has been completed to your bespoke requirements. Appropriate and regular maintenance and care of your wooden stables will ensure that they continue to provide the perfect equine environment that supports your horses’ health and wellbeing and enables your equestrian activities. In our blog, we look at some tips on keeping stables well-maintained and what you can do to keep them shipshape.


Choose your stable supplier with care

Your choice of stable yard designer and installer will affect the level of future maintenance according to the quality of the product they deliver. It is always possible to cut corners and save on costs, but this is likely to be a false economy in the long term. Choose a manufacturer with experience of bespoke equestrian architecture that works with high quality materials, and you will reap the rewards of a reduced maintenance burden. Scotts has over 50 years’ experience in helping its equestrian customers with the design and delivery of premium quality stables and barns, and their testimony reinforces the importance of making the right purchasing decision.

maintaining wooden stables

Stables that are constructed on a high quality concrete foundation and built with premium hardwoods will be less susceptible to shifting, shrinking, water-damage or decay. Installing adequate drainage at the build stage will eliminate water build-up that could cause moisture damage.


Make time for maintenance

We believe in the mantra that prevention is better than cure and recommend setting out an organised schedule of maintenance at set times during the year. Spring is the best time to make your annual checks on the stable structure so you can plan and organise any work for the summer months when it is more likely to be dry and the ground will be firm. Water damage and sunlight can have a detrimental effect on timber so be sure to make careful checks as part of your maintenance routine. Check the guttering for any defects and keep the channels free of fallen leaves and debris. Keep an eye out for any damage caused by vermin that might require a spot-fix.

Carry out a detailed maintenance walk and inspect every area of your stable inside and out. Carry a torch so that you can peer into dark corners and remove any hay to check for damage behind bedding or feed stocks.


well maintained stableMaintain your stable’s features

Check the kickboards in loose boxes and replace these if necessary with structural grade plywood. Cheaper alternatives could cause injuries to your horse as these are easier for them to damage. Scotts recommend fitting high density stokboard to at least 1.2m above standard kickboard height.

The roof of your stables should be checked for any damage that may have been caused by the wind, and loose tiles that might have lifted should be nailed down.

Stable walls benefit from gentle power washing, and it is vital that they are left to dry thoroughly before any paint or stain treatment is applied. Leave time for this in your maintenance schedule as the drying process can be protracted in poor weather. Depending on the type of timber your stables are built from, you may need to re-apply a treatment every three years.

Pressure treated timber is extremely durable and needs virtually no maintenance for at least 15 years. Scotts use tongued and grooved shiplap boarding as standard made from European Redwood which is vacuum pressure impregnated with Osmose Naturewood to provide a long, maintenance-free life.

Whether you choose paint or stain, this will be applied in the factory as part of the manufacturing process to ensure adequate coverage, with a final coat being applied at the installation stage. Contrasting colourways can be selected for bargeboards and finials to deliver stunning aesthetic effects. Alternative timber choices could include Western Red Cedar, Siberian Larch, or Oak for which no stain or preservative is required.

Click the link to read more on Features you will love in your perfect stable.


Moving parts

Stable doors and windows should be checked for debris and to ease any moving parts. Check that hinges, latches and bolts operate smoothly and replace any damaged components. Clear away cobwebs and check window glass for damage.

Electrical wiring should be checked periodically by a qualified electrician and equipment should be tested for safety.


Make maintenance your priority

In addition to your annual schedule of regular maintenance, you should also commit to a diligent daily routine that will prevent the build-up of problems. Clear out bedding using a pitchfork, remove and clean any rubber matting, and allow the floor to dry before laying fresh hay. Daily cleaning is essential for avoiding odours, killing pests, and minimising the risk of spreading disease.

Commit to an annual deep clean to tackle any dust and grime that you might miss on your daily round. This will ensure that the stables feel like new for as long as possible but is also essential for horse health and wellbeing. Carry out the deep clean during the summer when horses are turned out, so they are not disturbed by the work or bothered by dust being stirred up.

Clear out all equipment from the stable before you carry out the deep clean and use a pressure-washer to eliminate all dust and dried droppings. Clean windows and grilles with water and sweep away any cobwebs. Remove and wash rubber matting and allow to dry thoroughly before replacing.

Good ventilation is essential, and you should factor this in at the design stage. Scotts recommend designing stables to avoid low roof pitches and provide adequate headroom. This increases the volume of air and helps to keep fresh air circulating. The steeper the roof pitch, the more wind resistance, which increases loose box ventilation. An adequate overhang of at least 1.2m will capture deflected wind in the soffit vents so air can better circulate. You might choose to specify a full vented roof ridge for your stable which increases air movement without creating draughts that may annoy your horses. Consider including vents at the gable ends to provide cross ventilation.


Get the kit

washer for better maintenanceYour commitment to a premium stable yard development should extend to the kit and equipment you use to maintain it. There are standard basic items that all equestrians require but you might consider going one step further and choosing state-of-the-art items to make life easier. Here are some we have found:

Karcher’s classic high pressure washer at around £600 makes use of a powerful petrol engine and enables a deep clean without access to mains water supply. Spend £3,500 and you can benefit from eco efficient hot water cleaning and a steam mode.

An Elgee Power Vacuum provides a super-charged alternative to brushes and brooms which can serve to churn up dust. This machine picks up sawdust and straw as well as potentially harmful debris such as nails or other sharp items.


Let us help you plan your stable yard

If the maintenance on your existing stables has become too onerous, now might be the right time to think about re-modelling. A brand new bespoke stable yard will last for years with minimal maintenance allowing you to focus on the equestrian matters that are most important to you. Scotts has the inside track on creating the best designs for premium stables so why not contact our expert design team and let us help you bring your dream stable yard project to life?

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